Friday, September 24, 2010

The Crew from Hong Kong

I’ve posted stuff about transport, food, lifestyle, entertainment and attractions but what about the people? No, this post isn’t about the local Cantonese people, it’s about my mates. I’ve always been the type of person who has never really had one fixed set of friends, but when I graduated from High School in 2005, I found my perfect set of friends. I like to call them the “Boracay Gang”.

The Boracay Gang
Right before I came for my “apparent” holiday to India, twelve of us went on the most amazing holiday of a lifetime. We went from Hong Kong to the Filipino island of Boracay for five nights and then made our way to the capital of the Philippines, Manila, for two nights. That trip will probably be the most memorable trip I’ve ever been on and I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the first one. I’d be pretty surprised if someone is able to think of something we have not done together (sexual ordeals excluded). The Boracay Gang will undergo phase 2 of the epic Philippine trip, when they make their way to Malaysia and Singapore in December 2010.
Nitika Jain- The "Self-Proclaimed" Best Friend.
Apart from the Boracay Gang, there are a couple of other people I miss dearly. Nitika Jain, a “self-proclaimed” best friend who lives half her life brooding over, what she calls, “Love”. I’m actually talking to her on Skype right now and I honestly don’t want to imagine her reaction when she sees this. I must not fail to mention her “animated” Father who “loves me to bits” (sense the sarcasm?)

I might not be in touch with all of you, but all I would like for you to know is that I miss all of you tremendously.

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