Friday, September 24, 2010

The Crew in Mumbai

The Classmates
I still remember the first day I walked into class on the 17th of July, 2009. The minute I entered the class there was pin drop silence (they thought I was the professor). I walked all the way to the last bench and sat down right behind Arianna Asrani and Nayomi Pithawalla, my first two friends in India.

First Two Friends in India
 As time went by I was fortunate enough to be acquainted to the right people and my circle of friends in India grew bigger than I expected. All my friends were from my class because I refused to talk to anyone senior to me. When I came back for my second semester I got to know people who were in the year above me and didn’t find anything wrong with them (Your first impression is never the best impression). My mother sent me to India with a vision of “Academic Excellence”, sorry Mom that ain’t happening. Along with my friends in Mumbai, I can proudly say I have done some of the craziest stuff alive.

Brothers from Other Mothers
From being in a car accident to taking part in a show for MTV, we’ve done it all. One of the most memorable experiences I’ve had in Mumbai was going to Khandala, a hill station near Pune. The purpose of our visit was to celebrate a friend, Sultan’s birthday. That night we danced and laughed like mad and even went to the extent of making our own desserts. Another night I will never forget was my 21st birthday. If only I could remember what happened that night, I could have given you details.
The 21st Birthday. (I Remember This!)
When I came to Mumbai I had absolutely no clue about the type of people I was going to meet but now I can proudly say you guys are not my friends, you are family.
The Awesome Foursome
Verdict: I’m not going to be choosing because you guys all mean a lot to me (No! It isn’t called being diplomatic)
We’re way too sexy for our shirts!

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